Assessment using falls risk assessment tool codes

Coding system
Coding system release
NHSD Primary Care Domain Refsets
Codelist ID
Version Tag
Version ID

  • 20200812


Taken from the FALRISKASS_COD refset published by NHSD.


Codelists are developed by a broad community of users for individual study purposes, which may or may not meet the needs of other studies. They should not be thought of as universal definitions of a particular condition.

We don't offer any guarantees about what they do or don't identify. Users should carefully check that any codelist meets their needs, and seek clinical input where appropriate.

code term
1126411000000109 Assessment using Falls Efficacy Scale International
1126421000000103 Falls Efficacy Scale International score
408422004 Primary health care team falls assessment
408423009 Multidisciplinary team falls assessment
408555007 Multidisciplinary team falls assessment done
408560006 Primary health care team falls assessment done
408589008 Falls assessment
443573009 Assessment using Tinetti falls efficacy scale
443731004 Assessment using falls risk assessment score for the elderly
444246003 Falls risk assessment score for the elderly
444427001 Community falls risk assessment score for the elderly
445036004 Assessment using short falls efficacy - international scale
445826008 Assessment using falls behavioral scale for older people
445990009 Assessment using home falls and accidents screening tool
718584002 Morse Falls Risk Assessment score
839831000000103 Assessment using falls risk assessment tool
839841000000107 Falls risk assessment tool score
93001000000106 Falls risk assessment complete

Codes not in the full codelist are in faint grey.