
Welcome to OpenCodelists, created by OpenSAFELY for creating and sharing codelists.

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Below, you'll find all the codelists we have used in OpenSAFELY research to date.

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Transplant - conjunctiva (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - conjunctiva Y codes (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - ileum_1 Y codes (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - ileum_1 (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the transplants HES tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - ileum_2 Y codes (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - ileum_2 (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the transplants HES tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - replacement of organ (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - stomach (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant - thymus gland (SPL-HES) (OPCS4) OPCS-4

Taken from the HES transplant tab of the Population Risk COVID-19 Treatments code list v1.3, published by NHS Digital, 2021-12-13.

Published by NHS Digital
Transplant codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the C19TRANSP_COD refset published by NHSD.

Transverse Myelitis CTV3

Codes that indicate an episode of transverse myelitis

Published by OpenSAFELY
Tricyclic and related antidepressants DM&D dm+d

This code list contains codes from the NHS dictionary of medicines and devices (dm+d) that are known as Tricyclic Antidepressants. All formulations of these medicines have been included, except for those that are presented in a combined formulation with other drugs. All tricyclic antidepressants are licensed for the treatment of depression and some of them are licensed for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Certain tricyclic antidepressants are licensed for unusual psychiatric conditions e.g. clomipramine for cataplexy associated with narcolepsy. Some are also licensed for non-psychiatric indications, including migraine, neuropathic pain, headache.

Published by OpenSAFELY
Triglyceride test result codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the TRIGLYC_COD refset published by NHSD.

Triglycerides SNOMED CT


Published by Ardens
Type 1 Diabetes CTV3

Codes explicitly indicating Type 1 Diabetes

Published by OpenSAFELY