
Welcome to OpenCodelists, created by OpenSAFELY for creating and sharing codelists.

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Below, you'll find all the codelists we have used in OpenSAFELY research to date.

All codelists

Acute Respiratory Illness (Secondary Care) ICD-10

A collection of non-specific codes relating to acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) not including pathogen specific codes. Adapted from WHO definition of Influenza-like-illness, whereas with the primary care ARI codelist (see references) fever and cough can be used to build a build a full ILI profile, in secondary care this is more difficult so just the ARI codelist is used. To be used to detect influenza cases with more sensitivity, rather than specificity.

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Acute confusion codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the ACCONFUS_COD refset published by NHSD.

Acute transverse myelitis ICD-10 ICD-10

Acute transverse myelitis ICD-10 codelist for use with hospital and mortality data

Codelist aims to be specific rather than sensitive, and to describe acute transverse myelitis occuring on its own rather than myelitis as part of a broader disease process such as encephalomyelitis or ADEM. Does not include codes which are not specific to acute transverse myelitis, e.g. such as 'Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis'.

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Addictive medicines dm+d

Codelist for addictive medicines. Including Z-drugs, benzodiazepines, gabapentinoids

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Addisons & hypoadrenalism SNOMED CT

Taken from the ADDIS_COD fields in SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) Vaccine Uptake Reporting Codes v.1.5.3

Addisons disease diagnosis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the ADDISONS_COD refset published by NHSD.

Adrenaline Pens dm+d

This list contains dm+d entries for adrenaline auto-injectors, commonly know as pens, which are used by people when they experience an emergency allergic reaction.

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Adrenaline auto-injectors BNF
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Adult and child psoriasis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the PSORIASIS_COD refset published by NHSD.

Adult and child psoriasis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the PSORIASIS_COD refset published by NHSD.

Adult rheumatoid arthritis codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the C19RARTH_COD refset published by NHSD.

Advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver and associated conditions (ICD-10) ICD-10

Codelist to identify patients with advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver.

Decompensated cirrhosis is defined as an acute deterioration in liver function in a patient with cirrhosis and is characterised by jaundice, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrome or variceal haemorrhage. (Moreau et al, 2013)

The codelist takes into account the conditions which characterise advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver listed above as well as codes for cirrhosis.

Note: This version does not include codes related to primary biliary cirrhosis. Additionally reviewer by Dr Karen Waller.

Published by OpenSAFELY
Advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver and associated conditions (snomed) SNOMED CT

Codelist to identify patients with advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver and severe liver disease.

Decompensated cirrhosis is defined as an acute deterioration in liver function in a patient with cirrhosis and is characterised by jaundice, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatorenal syndrome or variceal haemorrhage. (Moreau et al, 2013)

The codelist takes into account the conditions which characterise advanced decompensated cirrhosis of the liver listed above as well as the code for cirrhosis.

NOTE: This version has taken out codes related primary biliary cirrhosis as our study used this study population and we used the codelist to identify severe disease. We have also added some terms to make sure we capture all severe disease such as HCC and gastric varicies. The update was carried out with Dr Karen Waller at the University Sydney.

Published by OpenSAFELY
Adverse reaction to lipid lowering drug codes SNOMED CT

Taken from the LIPIDTHERADV_COD refset published by NHSD.

Advice, information and any brief intervention given on alcohol usage SNOMED CT

Taken from the ALCADV_COD refset published by NHSD.