
Welcome to OpenCodelists, created by OpenSAFELY for creating and sharing codelists.

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Below, you'll find all the codelists we have used in OpenSAFELY research to date.

All codelists

eGFR tests (level) SNOMED CT

Subset of, where all codes with attached numeric values in TPP are selected

Published by UK Renal Registry
epilepsy Read V2
Published by QMUL Multimorbidity
ethnicity (SNOMED) SNOMED CT

A SNOMED UK ethnicity category codelist

6 categories*, labels are:

  • 1 - White
  • 2 - Mixed
  • 3 - Asian or Asian British
  • 4 - Black or Black British
  • 5 - Chinese or Other Ethnic Groups

16 categories, labels are:

  • 1 - White - British
  • 2 - White - Irish
  • 3 - White - Any other White background
  • 4 - Mixed - White and Black Caribbean
  • 5 - Mixed - White and Black African
  • 6 - Mixed - White and Asian
  • 7 - Mixed - Any other mixed background
  • 8 - Asian or Asian British - Indian
  • 9 - Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
  • 10 - Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
  • 11 - Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background
  • 12 - Black or Black British - Caribbean
  • 13 - Black or Black British - African
  • 14 - Black or Black British - Any other Black background
  • 15 - Other Ethnic Groups - Chinese
  • 16 - Other Ethnic Groups - Any other ethnic group

*The full 6 Group Categories includes "6 - Not stated" which was not included in our codelist

Published by OpenSAFELY
falls_phm CTV3
Published by NHS Devon
has_asthma SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_asthma group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Codelist also contains the following unrecognised codes:

  • 1086701000000100 | Life threatening acute exacerbation of allergic asthma (disorder) |
  • 10692681000119100 | Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (disorder) |
  • 10692761000119100 | Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome (disorder) |
Published by QCovid
has_atrial_fibrillation SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_atrial_fibrillation group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Codelist also contains the following unrecognised codes:

  • 15964901000119100 | Atypical atrial flutter (disorder) |
Published by QCovid
has_blood_bone_cancer SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_blood_bone_cancer group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Codelist also contains the following unrecognised codes:

  • 1090241000000100 | Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma with dysproteinaemia (disorder) |
  • 1091921000000100 | B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (disorder) |
Published by QCovid
has_bone_marrow_last_6_months OPCS-4

OPCS codelist for the has_bone_marrow_last_6_months group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Published by QCovid
has_cerebral_palsy ICD-10

ICD10 codelist for the has_cerebral_palsy group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Published by QCovid
has_cf_or_bronchiectasis SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_cf_or_bronchiectasis group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Published by QCovid
has_cirrhosis_liver SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_cirrhosis_liver group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Published by QCovid
has_congenital_heart_problem SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_congenital_heart_problem group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Published by QCovid
has_copd SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_copd group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Codelist also contains the following unrecognised codes:

  • 10692761000119100 | Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome (disorder) |
Published by QCovid
has_coronary_heart_disease SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_coronary_heart_disease group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Codelist also contains the following unrecognised codes:

  • 1089471000000100 | Acute transmural myocardial infarction (disorder) |
  • 12238151000119100 | Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction of inferoposterior wall (disorder) |
  • 15712881000119100 | Acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction of anterolateral wall (disorder) |
Published by QCovid
has_dementia SNOMED CT

SNOMED codelist for the has_dementia group in the QCovid® to develop the COVID-19 Population Risk Assessment.

Codelist also contains the following unrecognised codes:

  • 1089521000000100 | Predominantly cortical dementia (disorder) |
  • 16276361000119100 | Vascular dementia without behavioral disturbance (disorder) |
Published by QCovid